This Puff Stitch Tutorial for Sum Of Its Parts Pullover is copyrighted by I Need It Crochet. You may not copy, share, change, or sell the tutorial itself. Also, you may not claim this tutorial as your own. All pictures contained in this tutorial fall under the copyright and may not be used.
If you’ve seen my Spring Blooms Pattern set, then you know I’ve already written a tutorial for a puff stitch. However, this one is different. For the Spring Blooms patterns, I chose to drop the puff stitch into the rows below. This gave the project a more solid look.
Now, I will teach you how to create the puff stitch for my Sum Of Its Parts Pullover pattern. For this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to do a traditional puff stitch, working into the current row. This adds space between the puffs and gives the project more drape.
The puff stitch is super easy. It is basically a hdc4tog in the same stitch!
– First, you *yarn over, insert your hook into the specified stitch and draw up a loop. ** You want to draw this loop up to the height of a dc (see Figure 1).
– Then repeat from * to ** 3 more times. You should now have 9 loops on your hook (see Figure 2).
– Yarn over, and pull your yarn through all 9 loops (see Figure 3). Finish off with a ch1 (see Figure 4).
– You have now made a puff stitch. Remember that each puff stitch counts as 2 sts – the hdc4tog and the ch1 that you finished with.
Tip: Remember as you add loops to your puff to not keep too much tension on your yarn. You want your puff stitch to be puffy! If you find that your puff stitch is looking a bit lumpy, pull it out and try again being sure to keep even tension of all of your loops.
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4
And that’s how you do the traditional Puff Stitch! Now that you know how, you can scoot on over to the Sum Of Its Parts Pullover and try it out!
If you enjoyed this Puff Stitch Tutorial for Sum Of Its Parts Pullover, you might want to check out my other Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials.
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Happy Hooking! 😉
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